Grants support AISD neighbors

The Mueller Foundation leadership announced $50,000 in 2017 grants to help support students in grades four through eight in central East Austin. Grantees include Campfire USA (Austin chapter) and Creative Action Project. In addition, the foundation is at work on using donated land at Mueller to attract a multiple-use education campus.

  • Campfire for funding pupils from Maplewood and Blanton Elementary and adults who engage in the outdoor program called Kids Unplugged;
  • Creative Action Project to fund Learning Through the Arts program for students at Maplewood Elementary and Blanton Elementary.

Mueller Foundation Board Chair Rob Repass noted that the education grants help these proven organizations work to close the opportunity gap for AISD students. “We know that 70% of low-income kids do not have access to after-school programming,” Repass said. “The Mueller Foundation is able to help kids by lending needed financial support to programs proven to help close those gaps in urban neighborhoods and schools,” Repass added.